DIVA! design is a full service design & web development, marketing boutique.
You only have so many hours in your day to run your business – your time is valuable. Get the most out of it and let us handle your online and print marketing professionally and efficiently, saving you both time and money.
At DIVA! our hours are flexible. Do you only have after business hours to review and plan the marketing? Or maybe you are in a different time zone? We can work with you on that.
Catering to both large and small businesses, we can help you find budget friendly solutions to your print and online needs.
Have a question about what we do and how we do it? Email me at becca@divadesign.ca

Becca MacLean
Graphic Designer, UI / UX lover, Marketing Enthusiast, Creative Doer & Passionately Curious
I’ve been working in the fast paced marketing industry as a graphic artist and developer for over 12 years. I have experience working with a wide range of businesses, doing a variety of projects – from websites, to branding packages to print in all different mediums (from business card to billboards).
My educational background is in Marketing and Communications (from British Columbia Institute of Technology) and Graphic Design and Web Development from Vancouver Career College. Though it is through practice and in my passion for these things that my skills have been honed.
Interested to chatting with me about your project? Book time with me!